Cattelan - Interview vs Critique

bidibidobidiboo [aka suicidal squirrel] by Maurizio Cattelan [1996]
Installation at the Laure Genillard Gallery, London.
describe your style, like a good friend of yours would describe it.LAZY. can you describe an evolution in your work from your first projects to the present day?I TRY TO MOVE SIDEWAYS: SO THERE ARE NO EVOLUTIONS, ONLY DIGRESSIONS. what project has given you the most satisfaction?PROBABLY THE ONES I COULDN'T REALIZE: THEY ARE STUCK IN MY MIND, AND THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO TO GET RID OF THEM. do you read design magazines?I LOOK AT THE PICTURES. where do you get news from? newspapers?ANYWHERE, THEY ARE MOSTLY LIES ANYWAY.
Maurizio Cattelan has a subtle sense of the paradoxes of transgression and the limits of tolerance. Since the early 1990s, his work has provoked and challenged the limits of contemporary value systems through its use of irony and humor. He teases the art world without ever falling into the naive trap of thinking he can subvert a system of which he is part. Suspended between reality and fiction, Maurizio Cattelan’s work simulates and subverts the rules of culture and society in a continuous game of detournement, acts of insubordination and symbolical theft.
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