Sabedoria Indiana?
Dear Miss C,
Due to the things that happened here at home, we are unable to come to Lisbon right now. We really regret this. We had anticipated twelve days in the sunshine and with lovely people to get into balance again after emotional turmoil and a very active year, both family-wise and profesionally. It was not to be.
I had intended to invite you to join me to an evening with Deepak Chopra, who visits Lisbon next week. See: We have attended a seminar as a family last March and I attended another one-day seminar on leadership with many other interested people. Perhaps, you will be inspired. He is not a guru, but someone who reiterates a message of personal transformation, steeped in old Indian wisdom, such as Ayurvedic medicine, yoga and the Vedas. He is open to people of any background (religious,agnostic,atheist). Although sometimes a little "overdone", I like his approach, so I thought I draw your attention to it.
I hope Eileen and you are fine. When things have settled, and should we be able to come later this year, we will let you know well in advance, of course.
Much love to both and enjoy the beautiful garden,
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